Friday’s 10 Happy Things

Welcome to Friday’s 10 Happy Things where I/we list ten things that made us smile this week so that we can start the weekend on an even more positive note!

Finally gave in to this “Friday’s 10 Happy Things”. It’s actually on good timing as I am pretty much swamped with work and just need a little breather here and there.

Here’s the list this week, keeping it short as I might, like most of the time (if not always), overshare:

1. I can now drive decently! I can drive from house to work to boyfriend’s place and some other places. I can drive up and down a curved ramp. I rarely get bullied by larger vehicles. I now drive calmly with a few cuss words every now and then. LOL One thing though, I need to practice parking. Heee!

2. Boyfriend bought around one kilo of homemade BACON from his colleague and we are very excited for a bacon cookfest this weekend! Anyway, even if bacon was just fried or baked or whatever, I’d already be happy. That’s a lot of bacon, you know.

3. Projects are slowly slowly materializing. I mean it’s really in a very slow pace (Gawd! did I ever mention SLOW?) but it’s getting there, getting there. Still keeping my fingers crossed it will turn out great though.

4. Someone from the other side of the office is playing Damien Rice’s Cannonball and I was like “Goodness! I used to cry every time I listen to that song circa 2009!” Kind of glad it no longer elicits as much ~feels~ as it did before. But yeah, I believe my sister when she said it gives a lovesick feeling.

5. Pet bunnies are growing up healthy and fast. Open to willing parents, we’ve got an unbelievably cute pair! One’s brown and the other’s white with grey streaks. Both are perky and smart, they got their Daddy Clyde’s genes.

6.Boyfriend surprised me with a copy of Eleanor and Park! Now I know when he gives me books that are no longer wrapped, it’s because he has already written sweet and short notes on it. Works every freaking time though. *wink*

Also excited for the spare time this weekend so I can start to devour this one.

7. Got one of my first molars removed just yesterday. I have very very low tolerance with pain so I was just like asdfjkl;! It reminded me of the last time I went to the dentist to have a tooth removed and I can only feel thankful and #blessed it’s not as painful as the last one. Well, I’m struggling to eat, but it’s a lame excuse for a ~diet~.

8. Discovered this parking alternative in Valero area whenever the office building falls short of parking spaces. I can even leave my keys with the guard so he can adjust parking when one car gets off the space.

9. This Phonto App I used to create this Featured Image. Forgive me if it’s not as cute/artistic or whatever it should be yet. I’m still on the experimental phase. Also, it makes me font-happy.

10. And lastly, because it’s a Friday and August (long weekends!!!) is just around the corner!


Fiction doesn’t necessarily imply imagination. It may come from history, something you knew before but have already forgotten – its remembrance brings forth something novel.  It may be a reconstruction, a memory that has toppled down, but is conserved and preserved through a better thought. It may be something yet to exist, an enactment of wishes and dreams and fantasies.

Or maybe, it will just be another category in this blog.

*Definition of fiction’s mine. As per Roland Barthes, words and definitions are subjective. These are relative to one’s religion, beliefs, culture, and experience.

So there goes a disclaimer, don’t bash me then. 😛